Growing up together: The Bridge


What is The Bridge?

The Bridge is one of the three After School Clubs run by Solas Project Monday - Thursday.

The name The Bridge represents a bridge from primary school into secondary school. The concept arose out of a need for a more specialised intervention for 11 – 13 year olds going through this transition.

The Bridge is a home away from home for those in final year of primary school through to the end of 1st year secondary school.

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“I come to The Bridge to spend time with my friends who I’ve made through the clubs who aren’t in my school” 

1st years in The Bridge will also each have a mentor as part of our Step Up programme and so have this double layered support through the transition.

 “It’s a good place to get your homework done before you go home to chill at night”

What makes the Bridge different?

In The Bridge young people prepare for and navigate the transition to secondary school through workshops and trips. Young people have more independence than they had in the younger After School clubs for example making their way to club by themselves. They also form part of the decision making process for activities and rewards.

“My favourite thing about club is all the different projects like the Easter and summer project where we get to spend our days doing rock climbing or canoeing and having a laugh”

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We help them to think about making healthy life choices and give them increased responsibility to work on their organisational skills.

“The best thing about club is the overnight we get to go on every year. There’s so many activities and it’s just like a giant sleepover with all your friends” 

There is a greater emphasis on personal development during these crucial years –a time of self-discovery.

The Bridge facilitates peer support, growth, learning from healthy role models in staff and volunteers and as a bonus the young people’s horizons are broadened as they build on relationships with an international cohort of volunteers.

“It’s cool that we get to meet new people every year that come from all over the world to help out in club”

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Growing up together, The Bridge young people have a safe space to share with peers who they trust and adults who want the very best for their futures. Our goal is to ensure young people move away from simply attending school to being engaged with the learning process. We believe this is the cornerstone of paving a successful path into adulthood.  

All quotations above in italics are from young people currently attending The Bridge (February 2021).