Your contribution can make a difference in the life of a child or young person today.

Our programmes are quickly adapting to a post-pandemic environment. We have worked really hard to adapt our spaces and create safe ways to continue to engage with our young people. The young people of communities have been disproportionately impacted and we want to ensure we can continue our supports through this uncertain time. There are a number of ways you can give financially.

Set up a Standing Order

Quickly and easily set up a standing order with your bank. (Give €21 per month or more and we can increase the value of your donation by up to 45% through tax relief.)

Give a One-Time Donation

With just a few clicks, you can contribute to the mission of Solas Project. We are so grateful for your support.


If you would like to organise a fundraiser in support of Solas Project please contact Pete Thompson who would be delighted to help you with this.