“It has opened their minds to the world of further education”… Solas College, what the teachers say…

Solas College introduces 6th class children to the idea of attending third level education. In this blog we are going to let feedback we’ve received from teachers do most of the talking. You’ll hear more about the purpose and impact of Solas College.

Why Solas College?

As one of the schools we partner with has highlighted:

“You may think that in this day and age that all pupils would naturally aspire to go to college but unfortunately for a lot of pupils in DEIS schools this is not the case”.

Scoil Íosagáin Crumlin, Dublin 12

In their final year of primary school we, and schools in our community, feel passionately that 6th class pupils can hugely benefit from being introduced to the idea of college. Our timing is intentional:

“Being exposed to third level options at such a young age is vital as it helps to motivate the students in secondary school. It impacts on the choice of what subjects to pursue”.

George’s Hill school,  Dublin 7

Our aim is that in introducing third level education as an option to pupils about to transition to secondary school, they will be motivated enough to entertain the idea that it could be for them. We encourage them:

  • to make a choice to pursue and place value on their education and;

  • practically, to understand their potential and future prospects.

“Although their decision about attending third level education is not imminent, continuing their education and completing secondary school is …”

6th class teacher, Dublin 7

Many children at risk of educational inequality have very little grasp of college or what it entails. As another 6th class teacher observed:

“My pupils do not know of anyone who has studied in college.  They have no clue where any of the Dublin colleges are.  This is something I found quite shocking.  When I asked this year’s class how many of them had any idea of where UCD is based only 4 out of 24 had any idea.  We are only 20 minutes from there”. 

This same teacher asked her 6th class boys ‘What would stop you going to college?’ Their answers were:

  • Fear 

  • Money 

  • Distance 

  • Didn’t know anything about it 

The same boys were also asked if they knew anyone who had gone to college:

Out of 24 pupils, 3 knew of someone who had gone to college.

Through Solas College children can make a link and begin to understand what it’s all about. We aim to alleviate the fears and obstacles as they perceive them.

In addition to the factors listed above influencing how these 11 and 12 year olds view third level education, there are societal barriers in place statistically making them at higher risk of leaving school early or giving up on education. For many of these young people the hurdles to overcome can feel insurmountable due to their context and so we aim to support them to overcome these hurdles, imparting hope and opportunity!

We start with an interactive classroom discussion around third-level education outlining access opportunities and immediately breaking down some of the more obvious obstacles for the children.

“Olive and Eimear (Solas College Staff) connected so well with the students and delivered lessons in a fun, engaging way, helping them break down their career goals into manageable steps”.

6th class Teacher, Francis Street CBS, Dublin 8

The programme is in three parts, first we run an interactive session in their classroom, then we take them on a trip to a college campus, and we end with another classroom session to debrief and embed the learning.

“In the classroom, the children can learn about college and begin thinking towards furthering their education and all of this culminates in a trip to a university. This trip is often a highlight of the year for children in our school as they are provided with the access and opportunity to visit a university for the first time, exploring a campus seeing buildings and engaging with subjects they have learned about”.

6th class Teacher, Francis Street CBS, Dublin 8

The trip gives children a taste of the life of a student, including a campus tour.

“The trip to the college and tour of the college shows the children how close the campus actually is to them.  Although the campus is big in size having the tour shows how easily accessible everything is. 

It also shows that college is not just about work – it’s about creativity, socialisation, sports, entertainment. 

As money is also an issue, the boys found out during the tour that there are scholarships available to make it more accessible”.  

6th class teacher, Scoil Iosagain, Dublin 12

Over the past 5 years we have partnered with UCD Explore bringing the children into a science laboratory to carry out all kinds of experiments. They’ve had so much fun being mini scientists whilst getting an insight into college life!

“The experience of attending UCD this year allowed students to work in a science laboratory, complete experiments and explore a new environment of education”.

Frances Street School, Dublin 8

The trip to college gives the children a tangible experience which, according to more than one teacher is often a highlight of their final year in primary school:

“We were lucky to be invited to UCD for a science experience which was a wonderful opportunity for the boys to see the university and inspire their creative minds. The experience ended with a pizza party which was a great celebration and an afternoon they will not forget”.

Teachers have observed the change in attitude from their pupils as a result of participating in Solas College:

“I could see this had an extremely positive effect on the students as for a lot of them they believe third level was out of reach due to their socio-economic backgrounds. 

The Enthusiasm and optimism I felt from my students after the visit to UCD was undeniable”.

Teacher, St George’s Hill School, Dublin 7

We are delighted to have schools behind us supporting of Solas College. It’s so great to hear the children’s enthusiasm and increased motivation as a result of the programme.

“I have worked with several different 6th classes in the last couple of years and the Solas College programme is without doubt one of the most memorable parts in the year”. 

Teacher, Dublin 12

We are honoured to engage with these young people in helping them see their potential as their minds expand and possibilities open up before them.

Teachers working with 6th class day in day out are seeing the benefits to young people. We look forward to continue working with each of our partnering schools across Dublin on Solas College as well as our other Solas at School programmes in the coming months and years.

“This project was nothing short of fantastic. It was very well organised, informative and engaging”.

6th Class Teacher Dublin 8

We leave you with this comment from a teacher which is our ultimate aim:

“It has opened  their minds to the world of further education”.

St George’s Hill School, Dublin 7